Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I've hated the enter-text-security things ever since their inception. They started on ticketmaster, made their way to myspace (huge downer when posting comments), and now, APPARENTLY, they've infected facebook. It's not that I'm blind or stupid (for the most part), it's more that I see many different possibilities that the smeared letters could be, and this ambiguity is troublesome. Kind of like those brain-tricks that are like, oh is it a cup?? or two faces kissing?? What is it? Neither! Both! You're all right/wrong!

Someone please tell me what the proper answer to this one is:

I mean I'm pretty sure the second part is 'stacpoole' or whatever, but what's with that first word?? allvewvaergopeijpeoi... could be anything. leave answers in comments.


astroNat said...

Hi there.....we don't know each other, but I live in LA and read your blog.

Here's an NPR piece on the program called reCaptcha. Basically, it's an effort to help with the digitization of books. Unclear words, such as the one you presented, are shown to many people and if you enter the same word....that's the word that gets used.


Anonymous said...

it says "alive?" hahahahhahahahahaha