Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Animal Circus

So I'm house-sitting for a little bit of thanksgiving break, and I get to babysit the cutest two little animals!! Maybe not cutest, my dog is the cutest obviously. But look at them--

ginger, i think she's a white lab? is that possible? if not white, then golden. soo cute! she's a free-spirited dog that likes fast walks and never acts her age. she has a strict diet of dog food and water and thats how she keeps that amazing trim bod.

ono, a kitten! she's a feisty badass schyster that doesn't take no for an answer. ono spends her time trying to hop on top of the laundry machines and giving ginger's waggy tail some serious smackdowns. im supposed to spray water at her when shes clawing at things and damn does she move. ono may/may not be a boy, but ill assume shes a girl for now because i think of yoko ono when i think of her and yoko was a girl too.

look at them havin a brawl! or a ball? i can never tell if animals are fighting or playing. 

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